Events tomorrow – SEPT. 13: Department of Ophthalmology, Mysore Medical College and Research Institute (MMC&RI)

Equipment dedication and felicitation of gold medallists (toppers in Ophthalmology), Dr. C.P. Nanjaraj, Dean & Director, MMC&RI presides; Dr. S. Chandrashekar Shetty, Vice-Chancellor, Adichunchanagiri University, dedicates equipment, presentation of gold medals by guests of honour G.P. Diwakar, District Governor, 2017-18, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) Grant Administrator, K.S. Guru Raja, Project Chairperson and Dr. M.A. Shekhar, Member – GC and ex-Director, Diabetic, Research Centre, Government of Karnataka; Special invitees – B.N. Veena, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), MMC&RI, Mahadeva Nayak, Financial Advisor (FA), MMC&RI, Dr. K.R. Dakshayini, Principal, MMC&RI and Dr. B.L. Nanjundaswamy, Medical Superintendent, K.R. Hospital, Meeting Hall, K.R. Hospital, 3 pm.

This post was published on September 12, 2021 3:41 pm
