Four ‘R’ formula to save our environment


World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5 and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment.  But we citizens are producing waste in huge proportions, most of which are non-degradable, non-decomposable and produced from non-renewable resources.

We don’t have an efficient, environment-friendly disposing system of either converting it as useful product or reducing it to harmless residue.

Result: Waste, waste everywhere, not a spot to spare, eyesore all around. What to do? Follow environmentalists’ 4 ‘R’ formula (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Use cloth bags while marketing. Reuse plastic covers, bags to the extent possible. Say ‘no’ to water bottles at functions. Use the one bottle you already have with you and carry your own drinking water. Carry suitable boxes, containers to bring home food items from hotel, eateries.

This way you are not only reducing waste used in making the parcel but also preserving quality, freshness, hygiene to your own satisfaction.

I appeal to every conscientious citizen to consider these few suggestions in all earnestness. Where there is a will, there is a way. Let we be responsible and concerned citizens, contribute in this way towards making our surroundings, our city, this Earth, a better, a little more beautiful place for our own living.

– H.S. Shivaram, Ramakrishnanagar, 30.5.2023

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This post was published on June 2, 2023 6:55 pm