Guru Purnima celebration by Chinmaya Mission

Guru Purnima celebration by Chinmaya MissionGuru Purnima celebration by Chinmaya Mission

Gita Jnana Yajna discourse in English from July 11 to 17

Mysore/Mysuru: Chinmaya Mission, Mysuru, is celebrating “Guru Purnima” by organising a Gita Jnana Yajna in English by Pu.Swami Aparajitananda on Purushottama Yoga – Chapter 15 of the Bhagavadgita.

The discourse will be from Monday (July 11) to Sunday (July 17) at Shivananda Jnanalaya, JLB Road, Mysuru, between 6.30  pm and 8 pm.

Guru Purnima is a very auspicious day, where homage is paid to the entire galaxy of sages and saints seeking their blessings and guidance. It is strongly believed the faith and devotion to both God and Guru are important to sail through life’s journey.

Pu. Sw. Aparajitananda, Acharya of Chinmaya Mission, Mangaluru, is well-known to the spiritual seekers of Mysuru.

He was the resident Acharya of Mysuru centre for several years and has conducted several Jnana Yajnas in city. A qualified engineer, who gave up his profession as a lecturer to tread the path of spirituality, Swamiji is totally connected to Pu.Gurudev, Chinmayananda’s vision and mission of spreading the message of Gita to one and all.

He has a melodious voice for Bhajans and conveys vedantic knowledge in a simple manner to reach the common man.

Spiritual sadhakas of Mysuru  may make use of this opportunity to listen to this week-long discourse. Starting from July 12, there will be Bhajans and chanting from 6 pm to 6.30 pm.

This post was published on July 9, 2022 6:34 pm
