How about Google Green Light Project for Mysuru?

Picture shows haphazard traffic around Kurubarahalli Circle.


I am writing to bring your attention to the Google Green Light Project, currently being implemented in Bengaluru and to request its introduction in Mysuru.

The Google Green Light Project is a ground-breaking initiative by Google Research that leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimise traffic light timing at intersections. By reducing stop-and-go traffic, this project has the potential to lower emissions and improve traffic flow, ultimately benefiting both commuters and the environment.

As we strive towards making Mysuru carbon neutral by 2030 and net zero by 2050, initiatives like these are crucial.

Carbon neutrality by 2030 entails achieving a balance between the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere and the amount removed by that year. This involves not only reducing emissions but also employing methods such as tree planting and carbon capture technology to capture and store carbon dioxide.

Similarly, achieving net zero by 2050 means balancing the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere with those removed by that year. Net zero travel, an integral part of this effort, involves ensuring that                                                                the emissions produced during travel are offset by measures such as choosing low-carbon transportation options like trains, buses and electric vehicles, and investing in carbon offset projects.

Given the significant contribution of the travel and tourism industry to greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to net-zero travel is paramount for combating climate change.

In Mysuru, where the Air Quality Index currently ranges between 45-60, falling within the ‘good’ and ‘satisfactory’ category, adopting initiatives like the Google Green Light Project and transitioning to zero-emission vehicles can further enhance our environmental sustainability efforts.

I urge the stakeholders in Karnataka and Mysuru’s tourism sector to join this movement and expedite the transition to zero-emission vehicles, thereby encouraging tourists to choose net-zero travel to Mysuru.

—Sanjay Kini, Mysuru, 27.4.2024

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This post was published on May 12, 2024 6:55 pm