How about implementing work from home for Govt. staff?


The IT companies have switched to alternate-working options including staggered working hours and enabling work from home option for almost all its employees owing to the COVID-19 outbreak and its restrictions due to curfews.

The move to encourage work from home is a welcome step at a time when the pandemic is affecting public health and safety. It should further be explored not only in such a crisis but also to combat air pollution and everyday traffic chaos prevailing in an urban ecosystem.

A people-friendly policy should be now framed to mandatorily impose work from home options even at Government workplaces as most of the Government Departments now rely on the internet through e-office rather than the paperwork to execute their work.

The Government thus will go a long way to improve the productivity of its employees through the implementation of an effective work from home strategy.

– Varun Dambal, Bengaluru, 22.4.2021

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This post was published on April 26, 2021 5:45 pm