IEEE Power and Energy Society Student Branch Chapter inaugurated

Mysuru: National Institute of Engineering (NIE) IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEE PES) Student Branch Chapter was inaugurated by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), at NIE, Mysuru recently.

V Suresh, Chair, IEE PES, Bangalore Chapter and General Manager, Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. and  Dr. R. Nagaraja, Senior Member of IEEE, former Chair of IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter and Managing Director, PR & DC Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru, were the chief guests.

T.K. Chittaranjan, Director, NIE, presided. Dr. G. Ravi, Principal, NIE, Dr. N. Kumar, HoD of EEE, Dr. H. Pradeepa, Faculty Advisor and others were present at the programme.

Subsequent to the inauguration there were two technical presentations. One by V. Suresh, who spoke about the role of various Indian agencies in Indian power sector and challenges in integrating distributed generation to the grid. Another by Dr.  Nagaraja who spoke about smart grid and also about various activities that can be taken up under IEEE Power and Energy Society.

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organisation dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. It is a hub of knowledge, sharing and disseminating from world-wide persons and researchers.

IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Chapter is a technical sub-unit of IEEE Sections and it consists of PES members who share technical interests.

The vision of IEEE PES is to be the leading provider of  scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for its members.

The Active Chapter on Power and Energy Society can be one of the most positive elements for the Department by offering programmes, activities, professional networking, special events/conference, etc.

In the days to come, this Student Chapter will become a knowledge hub in the area of Power and Energy Systems networking engineering institutions, industry and other organisations of similar interest.

This post was published on April 9, 2018 6:23 pm
