Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said in a post on X that her ‘close associate’ and Trinamool Congress leader Dulal, who is known as Babla Sarkar was allegedly shot dead in Malda district.
On social media, the Chief Minister expressed deep shock over the incident and confirmed that he had been “murdered” and urged immediate action against the culprits.
In a post on X, Mamata Banerjee said: “My close associate, and a very popular leader, Babla Sarkar has been murdered today. From the beginning of the Trinamool Congress, he (and his wife Chaitali Sarkar) worked hard for the party, and Babla was also elected a councillor.”
It should be noted that Babla Sarkar was the TMC councillor from Malda and was shot by four bike-borne assailants at the Jhaljhalia More area on Thursday morning. The incident happened as miscreants approached him from behind and fired four rounds from close range and on the spot, he was hit by three bullets and sustained injuries in his shoulder.
After the incident came to the limelight, TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee urged the Police to take swift action against the culprits irrespective of their political affiliations.
Notably, TMC leader Dulal Sarkar was undergoing treatment at Malda Medical College Hospital after being shot and reports claimed that Sarkar was targeted from a close range and was struck by three bullets.
Three arrested: Meanwhile, West Bengal Police have arrested three people in connection with the murder of Dulal Sarkar in Malda. Police sources said the killing was premeditated, with extensive reconnaissance conducted beforehand.
According to Police sources, the three arrested are contract killers. Authorities informed the court that the alleged mastermind behind the murder remains at large.
This post was published on January 4, 2025 6:34 pm