Old enmity: Man murdered at Rajivnagar

Mysore/Mysuru: A man was murdered last evening at Rajivnagar First Stage over old enmity. The victim has been identified as Hafiz Mohammed Akmal (44), son of late Taj Pasha, a resident of Rajivnagar.

According to the Police and a complaint registered at the Udayagiri Police Station, Hafiz Mohammed Akmal was riding his bike near the Nimra Masjid and Arya Bakery at around 8.30 pm.

Police said that a group of three to four assailants pounced on Akmal, stabbed him in multiple places and assaulted him with iron rods. Old enmity and a quarrel over a flex banner issue is the suspected motive, according to the Police.

Akmal was rushed to a hospital by passers-by and relatives but could not survive the attack.

Akmal leaves behind his wife, a daughter and a son.

The Namaz-e-Janaza will be held at Nimra Grounds at 5.30 pm and the last rites will be held at Tafuz Khabarastan.

Udayagiri Police have registered a case based on the complaint given by Akmal’s family members and are looking out                      for the assailants.

This post was published on March 9, 2024 7:29 pm