Online Seminar on ‘Dental Autopsy recommendations during COVID-19’

Online Seminar Dental AutospyOnline Seminar Dental Autospy

Mysore/Mysuru: The Department of Forensic Odontology, JSS Dental College and Hospital, JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research (JSS AHER), had recently organised a webinar on the topic ‘Dental Autopsy recommendations during COVID-19. Are we ready for the best practice in Human Identification and Virtual Dental Autopsy?’ by renowned Italian Forensic Odontologist, Prof. Emilio Nuzzolese, Researcher and Professor of Legal Medicine and the Head of the Human Identification Laboratory, University of Turin, Italy. 

He is a member of the Interpol Forensic Odontology Sub-working group since 2010 and the President of Association of Forensic Odontology for Human Rights.

The guest of honour, Dr. B. Manjunatha, Registrar and Professor of Forensic Medicine, JSS AHER, opened the webinar by providing an overview on Forensic Odontology from his experience, followed by the introduction of the topic and its importance by the host panellist, Dr. G.B. Aravind, Associate Professor of Forensic Science, JSS Medical College and Hospital, JSS AHER. 

The main speaker Dr. Emilio Nuzzolese presented his talk succeeded by a Q&A session and discussion, subsequently followed by the conclusion and vote of thanks given by Dr. G.B. Aravind. Dr. S. Ravindra, Principal, JSS Dental College and Hospital, was also present.

The webinar was held via Zoom application and simultaneously live-streamed on YouTube. It was attended by 107 people on the Zoom application and was live-streamed by 80 people on YouTube. The attendees consisted of Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate Dental and Forensic Science students, Forensic experts, Odontologists, Forensic Medical practitioners and Dental practitioners. 

The forensic dentist plays a crucial role in identification of unknown deceased remains, especially in mass disasters.

Identification based on dental information is a highly efficient, reliable and a rapid procedure.

It can be achieved by the tooth shape and position, restorations, malocclusion, anomalies in teeth and so on that make each dentition unique. It can also guide the investigating officer in homicide cases by establishing identity of criminals.

The webinar focused on five areas, 1. What is dental Autopsy, 2. When and why it is necessary, 3. Precautions to be taken during COVID-19 pandemic, 4. Disaster Victim Identification and 5. Virtual Dental Autopsy. After the presentation, various participants raised many questions and comments that were patiently and diligently answered and discussed by Prof. Emilio Nuzzolese.

All the registered participants were provided with e-Certificates of attendance by JSS AHER.

A recorded version of the webinar is uploaded to the University’s website

The programme was organised by Dr. Nagabhushana Doggalli, Faculty of Department of Forensic Odontology and Dr. Swathi Kumareswar (Moderator of the Webinar), Lecturer, Department of Forensic Odontology, JSS Dental College and Hospital, JSS AHER, Mysuru.

This post was published on September 6, 2020 6:33 pm
