Painting expo held, books released

Mysore/Mysuru: Dr. Jamunarani V. Mirle is an accomplished Painter, Dancer and Musician, who spends her time moving from one domain of fine arts to another with equal ease and felicity.

On Aug. 17, two books were launched at Suchitra Art Gallery in Kalamandira — one ‘Sadhya Siddhi,’ a book on Dr. Jamuna Rani’s biographical sketch and her artistic accomplishments and another ‘Jeevanayana,’ a collection of Jamunarani’s portraits and pen-portraits.

R.G. Singh of Romsons Kala Pratishtana inaugurated the exhibition of Dr. Jamunarani’s  art works before the book launch. The well-known scholar Dr. H.V. Nagaraja Rao introduced the book ‘Sadhya Siddhi’ while Prof. C. Naganna introduced the volume ‘Jeevanayana.’

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Nagaraja Rao opined that God is the first artist of the Universe. “Only those who are blessed by him can become artists. Artist L. Shivalingappa has shared his abundant knowledge on arts to his students. Dr. Jamunarani is one of his students and created many high quality paintings,” said Dr. Rao.

“Dr. Jamunarani has to her credit paintings of various Raagas of music making use of her vast knowledge in the field of music. This is a gift God has given to her. She is also multi-talented. In her college days, Dr. Jamunarani had acted in Shakespeare’s popular play ‘Macbeth,’ added Dr. Rao.

“The world of music is like an ocean and it demands more time and dedication. She has become a successful musician. In addition, Dr. Jamunarani has expertise in dance. She has left her stamp of her own in all her chosen fields,” added Dr. Rao.

Ramsons Kala Pratishthana’s R.G. Singh, Visiting Professor of University of Mysore Dr. C. Naganna, Mysore Art Gallery Founder L. Shivalingappa, author B.R. Nagarathna and Dr. Jamunarani were present.

On the occasion, an exhibition of paintings by Dr. Jamunarani Mirle was also organised at Suchitra Art Gallery.

This post was published on August 23, 2024 7:33 pm