Parivarthana to stage plays on Feb. 24 and 26

City-based theatre group Parivarthana will be staging the play ‘Raavi Nadiya Dandeyalli’ translated to Kannada by Dr. Thippeswamy on Feb. 24 at Kalamandira here at 7 pm. The play, originally written by Syed Azghar Wajahath, is directed by senior theatrist S.R. Ramesh.

On Feb. 26, the theatre group will be staging the play ‘Krishiyali Kushiyali’ authored by Chinnaswamy Vaddagere.

‘Raavi Nadiya Dandeyalli’ is about the bonding between two families belonging to different caste during the partition of India and Pakistan. The play revolves around the two families belonging to Ratan Bai, who prefers to stay back in Lahore at the time of partition and Sikander Mirza, who shifts to the house were Ratan Bai had been staying. The relationship between the families gets so intense that they fight against all odds of fundamental ideologies. The play shows how the human relations are more important than religion and caste.

The play ‘Krishiyali Kushiyali’ is based on the life of the farmers and the green revolution which made the farmers forget the traditional methods of agriculture to be replaced by tractors and other scientific equipment.  It is also about the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides which have harmed the lands that have failed to yield the desired quality of crops.

The play promotes the use of natural farming and natural fertilisers which is the only way to retain fertility of the soil.

Entry is through donor pass priced at Rs. 100 for both the plays. The donor passes will be available in front of Kalamandira on both the days.

This post was published on February 22, 2017 5:00 pm
