Reports on plastic rice baseless, say experts

Bengaluru: Maintaining that reports on plastic rice, eggs and sugar are false, experts at the University of Agriculture Sciences (UAS) here have said that the people need not panic over the issue.

Samples of rice which were said to be ‘adulterated’ with a mix of ‘plastic rice’ was sent to the UAS for testing. The samples underwent seven rounds of test, including chemical tests and it was found that they did not contain any such thing as ‘plastic rice’, according to the experts who also said that the nutrition content in these samples of rice was in accordance with the standards set by the National Institute of Nutrition.

Minister terms reports as baseless: Meanwhile, Food and Civil Supplies Minister U.T. Khader speaking to press persons at Mangaluru, said people need not panic about baseless reports on distribution of plastic rice and plastic eggs. ‘We have neither received complaints nor found any instances of plastic rice being sold through fair price shops. All reports are based on rumours. Hence people need not panic about such reports’, he said.

Making a veiled attack on the opposition parties charging that reports of plastic rice was part of an attempt to destroy the popular ‘Anna Bhagya’ scheme of the Congress Government, Khader said that the allegations of plastic rice can be seen as an attempt to bring disrepute to the popular pro-poor scheme.

Maintaining that it was practically impossible to sell plastic rice and earn profit out of it, the Minister said there was no base to the allegations that plastic rice is being sold in the market.

Food items supplied through fair price shops in the State are of good quality, he added.

This post was published on June 11, 2017 6:47 pm
