Southwest Monsoon to be robust for Karnataka

IMD predicts 106 percent more rain this monsoon, above normal levels across country

Bengaluru: A cyclonic circulation is currently situated over North Kerala in the lower and middle tropospheric levels, with another circulation present over the North Coastal Andhra Pradesh region in the lower tropospheric levels, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD).

These circulations are influencing weather patterns across several States. Due to these cyclonic circulations, the following weather patterns are expected over the next five days, according to the IMD:  South interior Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala will experience fairly widespread to widespread light to moderate rainfall, accompanied by thunderstorms, lightning and gusty winds (30-40 kmph).

Monsoon typically advances to Kerala around June 1. It then progresses northwards in surges, usually covering the entire country by July 15.

The IMD has indicated that conditions are favourable for the further advancement of the Southwest Monsoon. Over the next two to three days until May 26, the monsoon is expected to advance over some parts of the Southeast Arabian Sea.

The cyclonic circulation is likely to result in light to moderate rainfall in Coastal and South Interior Karnataka, according to IMD Bengaluru. It also noted that a few areas in Mysuru, Kodagu, Hassan, Chikkamagalur and Chamarajanagar will receive heavy rainfall.

This Southwest Monsoon is expected to be robust for Karnataka, with experts forecasting a non-drought year and a bumper crop for farmers. Karnataka faced 16 drought years between 2001 and 2023, with 2023 being the worst in the last 123 years.

In 2023, the State recorded less rainfall, resulting in 223 of the 236 taluks being declared drought-hit. Additionally, most parts of Karnataka experienced a dry spell from January to April this year. However, the situation is improving, with the State receiving some rain in May.

The IMD has predicted 106 percent more rain this monsoon, which is above the normal level across the country. For Karnataka, during the Southwest Monsoon, the State is expected to receive 860 mm of rain, which could increase to 900 mm this year, according  to experts.

This post was published on May 22, 2024 7:39 pm