The Game of Bridge is Here

By U. B. Acharya

Contrary to public perception, Contract Bridge, which is a trick-taking game using a standard 52-card deck, is not gambling but a game of concentration, memory, communication and simple logical thinking. It is one of the most popular card games played by millions of people of both genders world over and of all age groups but particularly more popular among the seniors.

Some of the best known personalities who played contract bridge with extremely high skill are the famous Hollywood actor Omar Sharif, Software Mogul Bill Gates, Billionaire Warren Buffet, Justice Stephen Breyer, Wall Street magnate Alan Greenberg among others.

Duplicate Bridge: Like in any other card game, there is an element of luck in Rubber Bridge. This aspect is completely eliminated in Duplicate Bridge where a team consists of four players. While two sit as N-S in one table, their partners sit as E-W in another room playing the same cards not knowing the results of how their partners had played. The objective here is to maximise the combined score of the team. The scoring system is slightly different and will not be discussed here.

Mysore District Bridge Association (MDBA) conducts Bridge on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Interested new-comers as well as seasoned players are welcome to become members of MDBA and participate in these tournaments. Interested persons may contact the Hon. Secretary of MDBA on Mob: 94483-90898 or the author on Mob: 99721- 24527.

National Bridge Championship and quotations by famous personalities

The first mega “Inter-State National Bridge Championship-2018” is currently being held in city at Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Golf Club (JWGC) under the auspices of Karnataka State Bridge Association (KSBA), Bengaluru and Mysore District Bridge Association (MDBA). About 250 bridge players from different States are participating in various events. The meet concludes on Sept. 9. Here are some quotations on Bridge by famous personalities:

Jill Meyers, 17-time US National Champion and also six times World Champion says, “There is something sexy about the game. Everybody thinks it is a bunch of old people eating cheese sandwiches but it is a great game for very intelligent and competitive people. I think they lose themselves in it.” Meyers is a well-known Attorney and also has a music industry in Los Angeles, USA.

Warren Buffett, an American business magnate, has described the game as “such a sensational game that I wouldn’t mind being in jail if I had three cellmates who were decent players and who were willing to keep the game going for 24 hours a day.”  He goes on to say, “It is a card game and to excel one needs not just strong math but creativity, stamina and cut throat streak.”

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the Philosopher-Statesman, who was also the President of India, wisely sees a parallel between our life and the game of Bridge. He says:

“Life is like a game of bridge… we did not invent the game or design the cards; we did not frame the rules and we cannot control the dealing. The cards are dealt out to us whether they be good or bad… but we can play the game well or play it badly.

A skilful player may have a poor hand and yet win the game.

A bad player may have a good hand and yet make a mess of it.

Our life is a mixture of necessity and freedom. Chance and choice… We may not change events, but we can change our approach to events.”

This post was published on September 7, 2018 5:58 pm
