The open bar and its results!


It is sad to see the remnants of the previous evening’s party littered in the streets. The liquor manufacturers seem to have made things so easy for the bibbers. I see that the liquor comes in cans, in packs and small plastic bottles. The water bottles come in plastic too. The snack packets for the ‘sides’ also come in plastic covers and are dreadfully inexpensive.

So for those who don’t want to spend a lot sitting in an expensive bar, they have discovered a new way of partying. They invade the so-called ‘Standing Bars’ or pack the liquor and snacks and sit on the edges of the Ring Road and party away.

The result is horrendous. For instance, there is a bar and restaurant at the end of the Ring Road at Dattagalli which is quite popular with the bibbers. But the early morning walkers are greeted with empty, broken bottles, cans, packs, plastic covers, plastic cups strewn all over the place.

One can see that the regulars have removed a few slabs above the drain and have been stuffing them with bottles and the like. What’s sad is that garbage is accumulating in alarming proportions as the place is out of reach of the civic authorities responsible for cleaning the streets.

The sight is disgusting. The broken glass pieces are dangerous. It also gives a wrong impression for the tourists who enter the city from that direction.

This growing menace is to be nipped at the earliest. It is better if the Police patrol these places till late in the evening and put fear in the people responsible for littering.  Who knows there may even be potential chain-snatchers among them!? The above photos say it all.             

– P.L. Jothindra, Ramakrishnanagar, 22.5.2019

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This post was published on May 27, 2019 7:12 pm