City-based artist L. Yogananda brings alive Mahatma Gandhi on a plywood sheet using old audio and video tapes at Rangayana premises where Bahuroopi Theatre Festival with the theme ‘Gandhi Patha’ is held.

Describing his work as ‘Hale Nenapu Hosa Baapu’ (Old Memories, New Gandhiji), the artist says: “When we were children, we used to hear songs from gramophone and audio cassettes, then TV, CD, floppy and pen drive took their place. The present generation kids don’t even know about audio tapes. Anything they want to hear, YouTube is what they look for.” And about how he relates the art work with the Bahuroopi theme, Yoganand says: “Radio, cassettes, DVD players are all gone now. But the songs, the movies, the thoughts that are etched in our minds remain the same; that way, even though the Mahatma is not with us, he lives amidst us with the ideologies he shared.”

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