Weak monsoon: Use water judiciously


This year we citizens may have to face severe water shortage due to weak monsoon. Hence, as a concerned citizen, I thought of sharing a few points to make people aware of the better usage of water thus helping in lesser consumption of water on a day- to-day basis.

I see many people using lot of water to wash their cars with free flow from pipes. Instead they can wash very efficiently with a little bit of more effort with only a bucket full of water as had appeared in SOM Special Issue dated Feb. 16 about the person washing the cars on Devaraj Urs Road with only one bucket of water and that too quite efficiently.

Another usual waste of water is seen wherein people wash their compound walls with water to remove the summer dust and also clean the tarred roads in front of their houses. This involves huge quantity of treated water going waste and as the tar and water are born enemies, the road also gets easily damaged.

Same thing happens with the houses under construction. The water, after used to cure the plastering etc., very liberally flows onto the roads and the roads get damaged with constant stagnation. Instead they should stop using treated tap water for constructions and at the same time make the waste water flow into the drain or to some nearby trees so that roads are saved to a great extent.

It is a known fact that every drop counts and every drop saved is a big boon. So I feel all of us should find ways and means to save water for the future without wasting the precious life-saving liquid.

– A concerned citizen, Brindavan Extension 30.6.2019

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This post was published on July 8, 2019 6:27 pm