Youth arrested for cheating grandparents

Took a loan of Rs. 90,51,000 for business; father absconding

Mysore/Mysuru: The Lakshmipuram Police have arrested a 33-year-old youth for allegedly defrauding his grandparents who had generously provided him Rs. 90,51,000. Shockingly, the perpetrator assaulted the elderly couple, betraying the care and support they had extended to him.

In addition to the assault, the accused reportedly issued death threats to his grandparents. The father of the accused, who is believed to be involved in the crime as well, is absconding and the Police are on the lookout for him. 

The accused in the case has been identified as Abhilash alias Tejas, a resident of KBL Layout on Bannur Road. His father 55-year-old T.C. Nagaraju is absconding. Abhilash has been accused of cheating his grandparents 87-year-old Shankaralingaiah and 80-year-old Nagarathna, residents of Century Park Layout on Vasantha Mahal Road, Nazarbad.

Based on the written complaint filed by the elderly couple at Lakshmipuram Police Station, a case was filed against Nagaraju and Abhilash on Jan. 1 under IPC Sections 406 (criminal breach of trust), 420 (cheating), 504 (intentionally insult to provoke) and 506 (criminal intimidation). In their formal complaint, Shankaralingaiah and Nagarathna have detailed how their daughter’s son, Abhilash, had sought a loan of Rs. 90,51,000 for ostensibly business-related purposes.

Trusting him, they readily provided him with the funds. However, months elapsed and Abhilash failed to fulfil his commitment to repay the borrowed amount.

The elderly couple recounted that on Dec. 15, 2023, they visited the premises of Sri Chamundeshwari Distributors, operated by Abhilash at Nanjumalige. During this visit, they inquired about the status of the money and sought clarification on when Abhilash intended to return the loaned sum.

Instead of at least speaking in a courteous manner, Abhilash and his father Nagaraju allegedly abused the elderly persons and assaulted them. Both, Abhilash and Nagaraju, denied that they had to pay any money to the elderly persons.

A shocked Shankaralingaiah and Nagarathna tried to reason with Abhilash and Nagaraju but they were in no mood to reason and instead pushed the elderly couple after assault. The couple has narrated their ordeal in the complaint and further said that Abhilash and Nagaraju threatened to kill them if they returned to their business location seeking money.

Based on the complaint, Lakshmipuram Inspector Ravishankar has arrested Abhilash and the Police team is on the lookout for Nagaraju, who has been named as the second accused in the FIR. The distressed elderly couple have expressed deep sorrow over the unfortunate necessity of sending their grandson, whom they had lovingly nurtured since infancy, to jail.

This post was published on January 21, 2024 7:36 pm