Anxiety & Stress: The real pandemic in the world right now

By Suchita Sanjay, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Mindset Coach

In India alone we have a large number of people struggling with anxiety and stress. In fact, these numbers are growing rapidly and this is the real-world “Pandemic” right now.

Anxiety sets in when we are constantly putting ourselves in a state of overwhelm by a certain situation or state. It can be some negating thoughts such as “What if things don’t go well? What if it is not successful? What if something goes wrong?” Anxiety arises mostly over constant negative  mind chatter.

If you re-read the examples in the above thought patterns you will notice the words “What if” being used as a series of negative looping thoughts and also the probability of a negative incident which might happen or might not happen. Another reason for anxiety is also constantly reliving past negative incidences in our mind, thereby not allowing the mind to rest in calmness. When the mind is completely occupied with negative mind chatter there is definitely a chemical reaction going to the body and mind which leads to unknown fears and anxiety.

Stress is caused mostly by trying to stand up to someone else’s expectations or our own expectations. While doing so normally the mind is not put to rest. The mind is always in the mode of “what next” while ignoring what the mind and body need. Stress is sometimes caused because of excess work pressure at the workplace. It becomes very important to avoid burnout by drawing lines and boundaries to what one can do. Sometimes stress is also caused by constantly telling ourselves “Oh this job is killing me. This is stressful. These children are a pain in the neck. I would die if I don’t get a coffee right now.” The harsh words we use with the tonality and the intent behind the words also cause stress levels to accelerate. I was just noticing a preteen who kept using the word ‘stress’ often while in conversation and when I met the parent, I noticed the parent using the word ‘stress’ at least 5 times in a half-hour conversation. The parent also looked highly stressed. Pay attention because the next generation is watching you and they might unconsciously make it their thinking pattern too.

Suchita Sanjay

Paying attention to our thoughts, our language and what we feel is highly recommended. Here are some of the ways one can overcome stress and anxiety:

1. Take care of your thoughts. If the thoughts are constantly negative make sure you immediately give yourself a suggestion which would  be positive.

2. Take care of your language. Using harsh words with a heavy tonality constantly will only become a habit and it creates your beliefs. So be watchful of what you speak.

3. Take care of yourself first. Check what negative habits need to change and change them with immediate effect without postponing.

4. Make sure you give yourself “Me Time”. This time should be all yours where you are concentrating on your own needs. It can be learning what interests you, going out to do your favourite activity, reading that book you like, listening to that music you like or pampering yourself. It can also be about doing nothing at this time. Do what suits you at this time.

5. Check if your job is stressing you out and assess if you are being overworked and underpaid, being taken undue advantage of or if you are not able to draw lines and boundaries and work accordingly to make the changes you require.

6. Learn to delegate what can be delegated whether it is in your workplace or even if it comes to household chores.

7. Follow a healthy lifestyle which includes a good exercise regime, healthy eating habits and practising mindfulness activities like meditation, artwork or anything that brings calmness to your mind.

8. Forgive any incidences that might have caused deep pain. It might be difficult to forget but when you forgive you are taking your power back and not letting the incident or the person rule your mind.

9. Introspect yourself every day and make sure you bring awareness to what went wrong and how you can change that part.

10. Choose to respond instead of reacting. When you choose to respond, your mind and body are in balance. When you react, your body and mind get into a stress mode or anxiety mode.

11. Seeking help or therapy to cope with anxiety and stress when one is not able to have control over it helps in overcoming the same.

12. Pressing the happiness button every day helps. Bringing awareness to the mind that happiness is a state of mind and if we choose to be happy without attaching happiness to any emotional or material gain, then automatically  our mind will also choose to be happy calm and balanced.

Our thoughts create our reality. The words we use form our beliefs. The feelings we give ourselves define how our health will be. That is why it is all the more important to keep our thoughts, our speech, and our feelings in sync.  A happy mind is a healthy life made visible.

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This post was published on February 6, 2023 7:00 pm