CM, listen to your WIFE, not your advisers

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s wife B.M. Parvathi has returned the 14 disputed sites to MUDA (Mysuru Urban Development Authority). A kind gesture indeed, but also… kinda pointless.

We are sure the family lawyers knew that returning the sites was a ‘moot point’, unless it was meant to evoke public sympathy for the CM.  

As many have questioned: If a person steals something, can that act go unpunished just because they returned it? No, it cannot, because the punishment is for the act, not for how you react. 

In the case of 14 MUDA sites, the legal process has begun and it will go on. What is interesting though is the CM’s wife Parvathi’s letter.

To begin, anyone should feel sympathetic towards Parvathi — a lady who has kept away from public life completely to now be dragged into this controversy and forced to write a public letter is unfortunate. 

Parvathi wrote “I have lived with the commitment to ensure that nothing arises, either in politics or public life, that would cause him (husband) any embarrassment.” 

Like a good life-partner, Parvathi seems to feel guilty and terrible that her 14 sites have embarrassed her husband. But she should  realise that it was not her fault at all.

First, it was the fault of the terrible advisers her husband and son have surrounded themselves with.

It is said that the advisers wanted to first get their leaders’ finger in the honey pot so they could dig into it with both their hands.

The second fault was of her son MLC Dr. Yathindra Siddaramaiah, who was on the MUDA Board — as the Varuna MLA — when the 14 sites were allotted and he did nothing to stop it or refuse the sites.

Finally the CM himself who, instead of nipping it in the bud let his ego get the better of him as he thundered “our land value is Rs. 62 crore, let them give it back to us.” 

In the concluding part of her appeal, Parvathi wrote “I have a humble request for the leaders of all political parties and members of the media. Please refrain from dragging the women of political families, who are not involved in politics, into controversies for the sake of political vendettas and do not tarnish their dignity and honour.”

We understand Parvathi’s sentiments but today in India, members of political families are involved in politics and even the ones who are not in active politics are enjoying the fruits of ill-gotten wealth.

So, Indian media should start scrutinising the lifestyle and business deals of political family members like they do in England and USA, which they haven’t done so far here. 

One has to just take a stroll through Sadashivanagar in Bengaluru, an area where many politicians live and you’ll be astonished by the opulent houses, the luxury cars and the lavish lifestyles.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know how these public servants can afford such extravagance?

If politicians don’t want their families to be dragged into controversies, then the head of such families should not commit acts that will expose them and their family to ridicule and public scrutiny.

This reminds us, in 2012, Narendra Modi had called Shashi Tharoor’s then girlfriend and later wife Sunanda Pushkar as “50 crore girlfriend.”

He made this statement after it was reported that she had got “sweat” equity worth ‘Rs. 50 crore’ in a Kochi IPL team.

Tharoor defended himself by saying he and Sunanda were two individuals, and she had been granted “sweat” equity for her expertise in event management. At that time, Sunanda was the Director of Sales at a real-estate company !

Tharoor, knowing very well that in matters of a mega-rich property like IPL, politics and controversies are in order, should have discouraged his wife from being involved, he didn’t.

Finally, Sunanda had to defend herself

publicly. Who put her in this vulnerable  position? Her husband Shashi Tharoor.

Then who can forget Rabri Devi? Her husband Laloo Prasad Yadav plucked her from the kitchen and plopped her into the CM’s seat.

As soon as she finished her maiden speech, which was less than one minute!, Opposition leader Sushil Modi attacked her husband.

Unable to take the vilification of her husband anymore Rabri, with all her strength, sternly stood up and made an emotional plea, calling Sushil Modi her “elder brother,” desperate to put an end to the vilification of her husband.

Again, who put her in that vulnerable situation? Her husband Laloo Prasad Yadav.

Our leaders trot out their families only when they want to introduce their next political heir or when they need to score sympathy points during a scandal.

More recently we saw former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal and former Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren’s wife Kalpana Soren make their political presence to save their husbands.

Now, if CM Siddaramaiah wants to leave a legacy of being a ‘spotless’ politician and if Yathindra wants to take away his mother’s pain, then they must do what she says.

Parvathi has sought a comprehensive investigation into ‘all’ allegations of illegal site                    allotments in MUDA.

Listen to her and order an investigation. Let the rot be exposed. 

P.S.: After speaking to legitimate sources in MUDA, I am sure that Siddaramaiah’s 14 sites will pale before the hundreds of MUDA sites that have been looted by the members of other political parties.

We are sure, the moment CM orders investigation as his wife Parvathi has suggested, the call for his resignation from the Opposition will come to a stagnation.

Let’s hope, the CM listens to his wife.


This post was published on October 3, 2024 6:05 pm