Human lives more valuable than heritage structures


This is regarding the news item titled ‘11 heritage buildings listed for urgent repairs’ (SOM dated May 25). It is disheartening to note the absence of any positive action towards renovation or reconstruction of the Devaraja Market building and Lansdowne building in the proposed list.

Lansdowne building collapsed on Aug. 8, 2012, and Devaraja Market building partially collapsed on Aug. 28, 2016, causing immense damage, yet to date, there have been no concrete actions for their renovation or reconstruction.

Though a couple of years back, the Karnataka High Court Division Bench quashed the PIL against demolition of Devaraja Market, no Government agency has stepped forward to resolve the existing legal stalemate.

Human life is more precious than the heritage value of any crumbling and dilapidated old structure. God forbid, suppose a part of Devaraja Market building or Lansdowne building collapses once again, I can vouch that nobody will be around to safeguard the lives of the shopkeepers or the public in the vicinity of these two crumbling structures.

Both the Devaraja Market building and the Lansdowne building have outlived their life, and it is definitely better and wiser to demolish these buildings and opt for new structures very similar to the existing ones with additional facilities.

More than being sentimental over the heritage value of these two structures, the authorities concerned should opt for a practical approach. Being sentimental will only invite miseries for the public operating in the vicinity of these buildings.

— K. Chandrahas, Mysuru, 27.5.2024

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This post was published on May 30, 2024 6:55 pm