Helping Hands, under its Health Project, handed over a cheque for Rs.12,000 to Sendil towards treatment (plastic surgery) of his daughter Bhuvaneshwari, who sustained burn injuries in a fire accident at Ramapura village in Kollegal taluk and is undergoing treatment at JSS Hospital, Mysuru. President of Helping Hands Mahaveer Khabiya, Secretary Anand Patwa, Treasurer Rajan Baghmar, Manoharlal Sankla, Sunil Patwa, Anil Ranka, Jambu Lodha, Vijay Bohra, Sampath Baghmar, Goutham Patwa, Jaichand Ranka, Prakash Gandhi, Mahaveer Dhoka, Dharmichand Mutha, Vishal Dagaliya and others were present on the occasion.

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