SDM-IMD – CII Mysuru host Convergence-3i event

SDM-IMD - CII MysuruSDM-IMD - CII Mysuru

‘COVID-19 has changed modern workplace culture’

Mysore/Mysuru: Convergence-3i, the Annual Industry Academia Interface event, was held online jointly by Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDM-IMD), Mysuru and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Mysuru Zone, on Mar. 16. 

S. Chandramouli, CEO of Feedback Insights, Bengaluru, who was the keynote speaker said, “COVID-19 has transformed the workplace culture. When compared to traditional and modern culture, we can see change from hierarchy to flatter structures; authoritative to collaborative communication; strict to customised policy; inflexible to goal driven work arrangement; lifelong employment to lifelong employability; and from one chosen field to shift field of your interest. These changes are happening with new models of working — Gig, Work from anywhere, distributed work model, and fungible resources.”

Speaking on expectations from the corporates from digital native workforce, Chandramouli said, “During the last 10 years, the businesses changed in terms of product innovation, business models, getting customers, and digitalisation. Positive attitude, soft skills, hard skills, willingness to learn, and information literacy are the core expectations from the corporates.” 

The keynote address was followed by a Panel Discussion on ‘Expectations of the Employers from the Job Aspirants in the Post COVID Era.’  The panel members S. Chandramouli; Kshitij Mathur and D. Jyothsna from PGDM 2020-2022, SDM-IMD, presented their views on the topic. The discussions were moderated by Dr. S.N. Prasad, Professor – Strategy, SDM-IMD. 

Just be spontaneous, sharpen your strengths, forget your weakness, be honest, present yourself, do not search for dream job or role, you must make the job a dream, was the collective outcome for the young Indians from the panel discussion. 

Dr. N.R. Parasuraman, Director, SDM-IMD, initiated the proceedings by sharing the changing paradigm in modern workplace culture. Dr. Prasad welcomed.  Prof. S. Kannadas, Assistant Professor, SDM-IMD, proposed a vote of thanks.

This post was published on March 24, 2021 6:27 pm
