Chief Minister Siddharamaiah inaugurating Dasara Flower Show at Kuppanna Park in Nazarbad here this afternoon. The CM accompanied by District Minister Dr. H.C. Mahadevappa, MLAs K. Harishgowda, D. Ravishankar (K.R. Nagar) and A.R. Krishnamurthy (Kollegal), MLCs C.N. Manjegowda and Dr. D. Thimmaiah, went around the flower show including the Glass House, which is the major…
Food Mela begins at Scouts and Guides Grounds
October 15, 2023Food and Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Minister K.H. Muniyappa inaugurating Dasara Aahara (Food) Mela by lighting the earthen stove and boiling milk at Scouts and Guides Grounds behind old DC’s Office here this afternoon. Only a few of the stalls are opened and there will be no live cultural programmes at the venue, as…
CM, Hamsalekha light 10-ft Akhand Jyoti
October 15, 2023Chief Minister Siddharamaiah, Dasara Chief Guest Hamsalekha and other dignitaries lit Cycle Pure’s 10-ft Akhand Jyoti atop Chamundi Hill this morning. This time-honoured ritual symbolises the start of the vibrant cultural and religious celebrations that will span over the coming days. The luminous lamp not only brightened the physical surroundings but also ignited the spirits…
Sri Devi Navarathri begins at Ganapathy Ashram
October 15, 2023Navarathri celebrations began at Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Ashram on Nanjangud Road today with Devi Pallakki Utsava and Kumari Puja. Vidu. S. Mahanti, along with Vidu. Sindhu Suchetan on violin, Vid. Tumkur B. Ravishankar on mridanga and Vid. Sharat Koushik on ghata, presenting Karnatak Vocal Concert at the Ashram premises.
‘Vijaya Falcon’ wins Urs Kar Trophy
October 14, 2023Vidhatri Urs presenting “The Urs Kar Trophy” to M. Aravind Raj, owner of ‘Vijaya Falcon’ which won the event in the 12th day of The Betway Mysore (Monsoon) Races 2023 held at the race course of Mysore Race Club (MRC) in city yesterday. The winning horse, trained by Joseph B. Awale, was ridden by Jockey…
Mayor’s horse ride
October 14, 2023Mayor Shivakumar practicing horse riding for Jumboo Savari, the last leg of Mysore Dasara, in the city yesterday.
SBI sponsors Rs. 25 lakh for Dasara
October 14, 2023Rajesh Kumar Choudhary, DGM (B&O), State Bank of India (SBI), Mysuru, seen handing over the Dasara sponsorship cheque for Rs. 25 lakh to District Minister Dr. H.C. Mahadevappa in city yesterday. Others seen are Mayor Shivakumar, Deputy Commissioner Dr. K.V. Rajendra, MLA T.S. Srivatsa and Police Commissioner B. Ramesh.
‘Cyrenius’ wins Chief Minister’s Trophy
October 13, 2023Deputy Commissioner Dr. K.V. Rajendra presenting “The Chief Minister’s Trophy” to Imtiaz Khan, trainer of ‘Cyrenius,’ which won the event in the 11th day of The Betway Mysore (Monsoon) Races 2023 held at the race course of Mysore Race Club (MRC) in city yesterday. The winning horse, owned by C. Aryama Sundaram and P.J. Vazifdar,…
Mahishasura’s statue covered for painting works
October 10, 2023As painting works of Chamundeshwari Temple atop Chamundi Hill and surrounding structures are taken up ahead of Dasara, the statue of Mahishasura atop the Hill has been covered, said sources in the District Administration. Police have also clarified that the statue is covered as it will also be given a new coat of paint like…
Rotary Midtown-Amaravani Award conferred
October 10, 2023Prof. R. Indira, Sociologist and Professor, School of Social Sciences, M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru, was conferred with ‘Prof. M.G. Nanjundaaradya Memorial Rotary Mysore Midtown-Amaravani Award’ at Rotary Centre on JLB Road in city on Sept. 27 under the joint aegis of Rotary Mysore Midtown and Prof. M.G. Nanjundaaradya Smaraka. She is seen…
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