Mysuru District Gamaka Kala Parishat Trust, has organised a Gamaka Demo on ‘Kannada Kavyagalalli Chandovaividhya haagu Rasollasa,’ by Karnataka Sangeeta and Nritya Academy Chairman Vidu. Gangamma Keshavamurthy at the residence of Srinivas Phani, No. 6, Block No. 21, 8th Cross, Madhuvana Layout, Srirampura 2nd Stage, on Feb. 11 from 11 am to 1 pm. For…
Annual Day
February 10, 2017The 80th Annual Day celebrations of Bharati Sthree Samaja Higher Primary School, Yadavagiri, will be held at Vivekananda auditorium, Mahajana Education Institutions, Jayalakshmipuram, tomorrow at 4 pm. Swami Jnanayoganandaji will inaugurate. Zoo Authority of Karnataka (ZAK) Chairperson Mallige Veeresh and BEO-North Zone Susheelamma will be the chief guests.
Seminar on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s work
February 10, 2017The City’s Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Research and Extension Centre, Manasagangothri, will be hosting a seminar on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s work titled ‘The Buddha and His Dhamma,’ at its premises on Feb.11 at 10.30 am. International artist K.T. Shivaprasad will inaugurate the programme. UoM Registrar Prof. G.S. Somashekar, Kalaburagi’s Pali Institute Director Prof. Mallepuram G. Venkatesh…
Free workshop
February 10, 2017Toon2, The Animation and Multimedia School, has organised a free workshop on Civil- CAD at its premises, on Anikethana Road, Kuvempunagar on Feb. 11 at 3 pm. The School is also offering courses in Print media, Web designing, 2D &3D Animation and VFX. For details, call Mob: 74066-01888.
Monthly Science lecture tomorrow
February 10, 2017Mysore Science Foundation (MSF), has organised, its 47th monthly Science lecture series on ‘Hearing Loss – Causes and Prevention,’ at Maneyangala in Kalamandira premises on Feb.11 (tomorrow) at 5.30 pm. P. Prashanth Prabhu, Lecturer, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysuru will be the resource person. For details, contact G.B. Santhosh Kumar, Secretary,…
Blood donation camp
February 10, 2017GSS Foundation, in association with Diya Foundation, Apnadesh Mysore and Alliance Square has organised a blood donation camp on Feb. 11 between 10 am and 2 pm at its premises #1104, on Udayaravi Road, Kuvempunagar here. For details, call Mob: 95380-76642.
Full Moon Meditation
February 9, 2017To harness the benefits of full moon, Meditation and Pranic Healing Centre has organised a group meditation on Feb.10 from 6.30 pm to 8 pm at its premises, #510, 13th Main, 6th Cross Saraswathipuram, Mysuru. The Session begins with an introduction to Twin Hearts Meditation followed by its practice. People above 16 years may attend….
Objections invited
February 9, 2017The provisional list of candidates selected for 2 Anganawadi workers and 6 Anganawadi helpers post in Nanjangud and 4 Anganawadi workers and 7 Anganawadi helpers in Biligere, has been put up at the notice board of the office of the Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) at Nanjangud. Objections to the list, if any, can be…
Free Health camp
February 9, 2017As part of its Foundation Day celebrations, Saptarshi Souharda Pattina Sahakari Niyamita, in association with JSS Hospital, has organised a free Bone Density Check-up camp for its members at its premises, #48, 2nd Main Road, 18th Cross, Jayanagar, on Feb. 12 from 10 am to 2 pm. Only 400 members can register before Feb. 11….
PSI post: Application fee refund tomorrow
February 8, 2017On account of the Government making amendments to cadre and recruitment rules for facilitating upper age relaxation for recruitment to PSI posts, the Police Department will be refunding the application fee to candidates from Mysuru District tomorrow (Feb.10). The candidates who have applied, can visit the SP’s office at Jalapuri, Nazarbad, along with a copy…
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