This has reference to the news ‘University of Mysore to be limited to Mysuru city, district’ (SOM dated Oct. 10). The University of Mysore (UoM) is the first University in the Princely State of Mysore, established in 1916, which had its jurisdiction over the entire Princely State. Thanks to the then Mysore Maharaja Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar and also due to the far-sightedness and dedication of several highly qualified academicians who adorned the chair of Vice-Chancellor, the UoM was internationally recognised.
Even today, young foreigners are studying in the Mysuru campus of the University and also in the constituent and affiliated colleges. Several foreign students have stayed in the international students’ hostel, situated near Crawford Hall.
Also students (both Indian and foreign) who obtained their degrees are spread all over the world and several of them have occupied key positions. Similarly, several academicians (professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers) working under various faculties of the University are attending international conferences, seminars etc., hosted by several foreign universities and have presented their research papers.
Research papers of many academicians of the University of Mysore have been published in various international journals. Even now, most of the Indian and foreign students prefer to study at the University of Mysore.
As reported in SOM dated Oct. 10, new model Varsities will be established in Mandya, Chamarajanagar, Kodagu and Hassan and the jurisdiction of the UoM will be restricted to Mysuru city and district.
True, the National Education Policy-2020 should be adopted in Karnataka. But is there any justification to curtail the name, fame, activity and jurisdiction of the University of Mysore only to Mysuru city and Mysuru district for the sake of National Education Policy? No doubt, this will tarnish the image of the over century-old University.
The Government of Karnataka should not treat the University of Mysore on par with other new model Universities to be established.
The Government should give weightage and special status to the University of Mysore. In order to continue the international status of the UoM, the Government should merge the Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) with UoM (the erstwhile Institute of Correspondence and Continuing Education was part of UoM), apart from offering regular degree and diploma courses for those students residing in Mysuru city and Mysuru district.
Further, total autonomy should be given to the University in order to retain its past glory and flourish among the top Universities of the world.
I request the Higher Education Minister to bring necessary amendments to the Karnataka State Universities Act, 2000 and also to the Karnataka Open Universities Act, in this regard.
Further, I urge like-minded academicians and alumni of the University of Mysore to pressurise the State Government authorities in this regard.
— B.R. Subrahmanya, Kuvempunagar, 26.10.2022
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