The new committee of ISHRAE (Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers) Student Chapter for the academic year 2024-25 was installed at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Maharaja Institute of Technology (MIT) Mysore recently. Smriti Manoj, Managing Director of Overseas Operations and Associate Director of Human Resources, Setty Mech Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Arani Srinivas (Installing Officer), President, ISHRAE Mysore Chapter, Dr. B.G. Naresh Kumar, Principal, MIT, Mysore, Dr. Mohamed Khaisar, Professor and HoD, Mechanical Engineering, MIT Mysore, Narasimha Nagabhushan, Secretary, ISHRAE Mysore Chapter, Dr. G.D. Chethana, Faculty Advisor and Prof. Krishnaprasad, Students Chair, were present on the occasion.

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