Pet Talk
Columns, Pet Talk

Pet Talk

March 27, 2019

In this week’s Pet Talk, Maneka tells why animals have to be spayed or neutered  before adoption

By Maneka Gandhi

Is the killing of an insect the moral equivalent to killing of a bird or a mammal?

All lives are the same and each being clings to life whether it is a fly or an elephant or a human being. In terms of value to the earth, almost all insects and animals/ birds are far more valuable than human beings, because they take little, live harmoniously and nurture the planet. The human does the opposite. So whose life should have more moral value? The problem is that humans create these “morals” to suit themselves and any being that makes them uncomfortable in any way is “justifiably” killed.

Why do animals have to be spayed or neutered  before adoption?

By spaying or neutering your pet you’ll help control the pet homelessness crisis, simply because there aren’t enough homes to go around. There are also medical and behavioural benefits to spaying (female pets) and neutering (male pets) your animals. Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life. Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumours, which are malignant or cancerous in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. Spaying your pet before her first heat offers the best protection from these diseases. Neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer and prostate problems.

Another reason is that unscrupulous breeders often pretend to be dog/ cat lovers and they come and adopt animals for free and then breed them and make money.

Is it morally right to legalise betting on horse racing?

It is not morally right to legalise betting on horse racing as this only promotes the sport, which is nothing but torture to animals. The horse is not a willing participant; it is forced, beaten and drugged to run. Racehorses are the victims of a multibillion-dollar industry that is rife with drug abuse, injuries, and race fixing, and many horses’ careers end in slaughterhouses. Horses begin training, or are already racing, when their skeletal systems are still growing and are unprepared to handle the pressures of running on a hard track at high speeds. Improved medical treatment and technological advancements have done little to remedy the plight of the racehorse. Horse racing isn’t as glamorous as it seems, it’s a cruel sport. The people who go to watch the races know nothing about horses and care even less. They are there for the betting and the chance to be seen in society.

READ ALSO  Pet Talk: December 12, 2018

Is it true that the world will perish without bees?

As far as important species go, they are top of the list. They are critical pollinators: they pollinate 70 of the around 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world. Honey bees are responsible for $30 billion a year in crops. That’s only the start. We will lose all the plants that bees pollinate, all of the animals that eat those plants and so on up the food chain. Which means a world without bees could struggle to sustain the global human population of 9 billion. You would lose most fruits and vegetables.

We are losing bees at an alarming rate. Possible reasons include the loss of flower meadows, the crab-like varroa mite that feasts on their blood, climate change, and use of pesticides. This issue has to be taken more seriously.

Can animals donate blood to each other?

Yes, animals can donate blood to each other. Every day hundreds of animals need blood transfusions. Typically, when an animal donates blood, she is typed and checked for blood-borne infectious diseases. Similar to human blood types, there are five major canine blood types, and one is a universal donor, like our “O negative.” The universal blood type can be used once on             almost any animal without much chance of side effects or adverse reactions.

The actual process of donating blood is quite simple. It takes about 30 minutes and does not require anaesthesia. Blood is taken from the jugular vein — the large vein that runs along the neck. Giving blood will not hinder your pet’s normal activities. Though few, the drawbacks of donating blood may include a slight swelling at the site where the blood was taken. Do not take blood from an underfed stray just because it is free and no one cares if the dog dies. This is criminal.


Is a hamster locked up in a cage equal to a child locked up in a basement?

It’s like locking you up forever in a mobile cage and leaving you to the mercy of a species that doesn’t understand your needs. Imagine being locked up in a world of giant hamsters.

No hamster was born to be a pet, and you shouldn’t keep any pets, except dogs and cats, as all the others are specially bred. You don’t know hamsters, cannot interact with them or even feed them properly. They don’t interact with humans and simply live to be fed. Is that fair?

Can my bitch be spayed while she is on heat?

Spaying while in season is more risky than at any other time, as the uterus, vulva and womb will all be inflamed and rich with blood, making spaying more difficult and risky than it is at other times. Unless there is an urgent reason for spaying while in season, your vet will probably refuse to spay your bitch until after the heat cycle has finished.

Is it safe to keep food for Indian crows outside my house? What kind of food can I keep for crows and other birds?

I think it is important to feed birds in all urban areas in two ways: by planting fruit and nesting trees for them,  and to actually feed them by leaving food for them daily.

In India it is culturally important to feed crows because of the ideology, that they link the dead and alive.

However, if we have to feed birds, then it is important to feed them with caution. Do it in areas that are protected from humans and don’t create a nuisance for bird haters, who will use the excuse of dirt to be mean to them.

The easily available food items that are safe to feed birds are fruits, crushed nuts, whole grain bread, oatmeal, raw grains like rice, and rotis. Avoid feeding apple seeds, chocolate, tomatoes, onions, dried beans, salt and caffeine.


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