Mysuru: Days after S.M. Krishna Fans Association demanded that the Outer Ring Road (ORR) be named after the late former Chief Minister S.M. Krishna, who passed away recently, the city’s Gandhinagar-based Karnataka Dalit Panthers Organisation has demanded that the ORR be named after late Dalit leader and former Union Minister V. Sreenivasa Prasad.
In a press statement, Panthers Organisation President Yoganarasimha said that Sreenivasa Prasad, during his 50-year-long political career, had served the State by holding several important positions and posts.
Pointing out that Prasad was a prominent and influential leader of old Mysuru region, he said that the former Union Minister has contributed a lot for the development of Mysuru. As such, the District Administration should take measures for naming the ORR after Sreenivasa Prasad, he said in the statement.
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