Despite numerous complaints to the Traffic Police, no action has been taken against the illegal auto stand located at the exit of the Zoo underpass.
Recently, while dropping my cousin at Ittigegud, I encountered this issue first-hand. Nearing the underpass exit, I found that auto drivers had blocked one side of the road, forcing other vehicles to bypass them. When I requested an auto driver to move his vehicle to let me pass, he began abusing me with foul language.
This stretch has become a traffic bottleneck, worsened by a nearby restaurant whose customers park their vehicles haphazardly. Adding to the chaos, these auto drivers do not wear uniforms, use abusive language, smoke beedis at the stand, harass commuters who question them and refuse to use meters.
Why hasn’t any action been taken against these auto drivers or the restaurant owner? Why does this unauthorised auto stand exist in the first place?
The Traffic Police seem more focused on penalising helmet violations, often deploying 8-10 officers at checkpoints, including the Dasara Exhibition Grounds junction, while neglecting serious issues like this.
The entire Ittigegud area has turned into a parking haven for tourists, with no enforcement against violators. I urge the City Police Commissioner to address this issue urgently.
With the tourist season approaching, immediate action is essential to ensure a smoother experience for both commuters and visitors to the Zoo. Let this not become a recurring problem year after year.
—An aggrieved citizen
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