The residents of Ramakrishnanagar have been put to severe hardship due to negligence of Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC). The City Bus Route Numbers 61, 72 and 135 remain to be reinstated for more than two years since it was suspended during Covid-19 pandemic.
These bus routes had good ridership, as those travelling towards Railway Station in the early morning and returning late in the evening were boarding these buses.
Several appeals and even a recommendation by the local MLA over phone seem to have fallen on deaf ears.
The residents also face an uphill task to travel towards Vivekananda Circle from Vrushabha Circle, Ramakrishnanagar, because only Route No. 62 ends its service at the latter Circle.
– Prof. (Retd.) B.S. Shankara, Mysuru, 20.3.2023
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