Rangappa (80), a resident of Gundurao Nagar, passed away yesterday afternoon in city. He leaves behind his wife, two sons, three daughters and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed at the foot of Chamundi Hill this morning.
November 19, 2020Shashikala (68), wife of retired teacher Raghavendra and a resident of Vivekanandanagar, passed away yesterday morning in city. She leaves behind her husband, two sons, a daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed at the foot of Chamundi Hill yesterday evening.
D. Srinivas
November 19, 2020D. Srinivas, retired Superintendent of the Health Department and a resident of Kuvempunagar, passed away on Sunday in city. He leaves behind his wife, a son, a daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed at Muktidhama in Vijayanagar 4th Stage on Sunday evening.
A.H. Saraswathi
November 18, 2020A.H. Saraswathi (70), wife of A.S. Hemadri Achar and a resident of Mandi Mohalla, passed away yesterday at a private hospital in city following brief illness. She leaves behind her husband, sons, daughter, daughters-in-law, grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed at Jodi Tenginamara Burial Grounds this afternoon, according to…
Asad Ulla Khan
November 15, 2020Asad Ulla Khan (79), a senior cook and a resident of Syed Abdul Rehman Road in Udayagiri, passed away yesterday at his residence following brief illness. He leaves behind his wife, sons, daughters, grandchildren and a host of relatives and friends. Namaz-e-Janaza was performed this morning at Masjid Dargahi on Sawday Road in Mandi Mohalla,…
November 15, 2020Prashanth (46), Proprietor of Prashanth Photography Studio at Gokulam and a resident of the same locality, passed away this morning in city. Popularly known as ‘Infosys Prashanth’ as he was regularly covering the events at Infosys in city, he leaves behind his wife, a daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites are…
N. Subramanyam
November 14, 2020Theatre artiste N. Subramanyam (90) passed away in city yesterday. He leaves behind two sons including actor and theatre personality Mandya Ramesh, two daughters and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were held yesterday at the foot of Chamundi Hill.
R.P. Veeraraghu
November 14, 2020R.P. Veeraraghu (82), Trustee of Sri Lakshmi Venkataramanaswamy Temple at Vontikoppal and a resident of Vidyaranyapuram, passed away on Nov. 12 at a private hospital in city following brief illness. He leaves behind four sons, one daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed on Nov. 12 at the foot of…
K.G. Sathya
November 13, 2020K.G. Sathya (65), a retired Headmaster and a resident of Keregodu village in the taluk, passed away yesterday. He leaves behind his wife Gowramma, three sons including Dr. K.S. Jayakumar, an Assistant Professor at PES Law College, one daughter and a host of relatives and friends. Last rites were performed at the village.
Y. Jayamma
November 13, 2020Y. Jayamma (82), a retired lecturer and a resident of Hebbal 2nd Stage, passed away yesterday in city. She was the grand-daughter of Palace contractor late T. Yalakkachar. She leaves behind two sisters and a host of relatives and friends. Jayamma, who studied at Mysore University, had bagged a gold medal in MA in 1963,…
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