Mysuru: The Sixth Additional District and Sessions Court has postponed the judgement in the Yelwal cash loot case to Dec.26. The Judge, who heard the arguments on Dec.23, was supposed to pronounce his judgement but postponed the same to Dec. 26. Bail plea hearing of accused in KHB scam on Dec.26 Meanwhile, the Third Additional…
Sensational Rs. 2 crore seizure case at Yelwal: Verdict on Dec. 23
December 21, 2017Mysuru: The verdict in the case where Rs. 2.07 crore was looted at Yelwal from a Kerala-bound bus in the wee hours of Jan. 4, 2014 will be pronounced on Dec. 23. The Third Additional District and Sessions Court has completed the trial and was supposed to deliver the verdict on Dec. 20 (yesterday) but…
Two youths assault man for intervening in accident
July 8, 2017Victim had made motorcyclists cough up fine for killing a hen at Bore Anandur village Mysuru: In a revenge attack, one person was assaulted with a machete at Bore Anandur near Yelwal yesterday. The man was attacked for intervening in an incident where a motorcycle hit a hen, killing it and where the persons who…
Investiture ceremony at city schools
June 18, 2017ST. JOSEPH CENTRAL SCHOOL, YELWAL: The Investiture Ceremony was held at the School premises recently. The Student Council was ceremoniously honoured with the badges and sashes to mark their tenure as prefects for the academic year 2017-18. The chief guest at the function was Metilda Samuel, Head Mistress of St. Matthia’s School, Bannimantap, accompanied by…
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