Industrialist Dr. M. Jagannath Shenoi lighting the lamp during the inauguration of the 58th Heritage Music Festival with Ganeshotsava organised by Sri Prasanna Vidya Ganapathi Mandali Charitable (SPVGMC) Trust at 8th Cross, V.V. Mohalla yesterday as Vid. Trichur R. Mohan and SPVGMC Trust Secretary C.R. Himamshu look on.
Picture in the left shows Trichur Brothers — Vid. Krishna Mohan and Vid. Ramkumar Mohan — presenting a music programme following the inauguration. They were accompanied by Vid. V.S. Gokul Alankode on violin, Vid. Trichur R. Mohan on mridanga and Kovai Suresh on ghata.

Picture extreme right shows Vid. Harish Pandav presenting a Saxophone Concert at the venue on Monday evening as a prelude to the Fest. He was accompanied by Vid. Achyuta Rao on violin, Vid. A. Radhesh on mridanga and Vid. S. Manjunath on ghata.
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