There was total maladministration in the just-concluded Dasara Procession and Torchlight Parade. The announcement of issuance of tickets was made a few days after Dasara started. I smell a big racket here. Initially the announcement was for issuance of online tickets. Almost immediately, “Tickets Sold Out” message was conveyed to whoever tried to book online.
Following a huge public outcry and news reports, an announcement was made that tickets would be issued at Room No.21 at D’s Office. When I visited the said room a couple of times nobody was aware when the counter would be opened and literally the room was locked. After considerable efforts and hours of waiting without food or water, I could manage three tickets of Rs.500 each for Dasara Procession and two tickets of Rs. 250 each for the Torchlight Parade.
When my family and I reached Gate No.2 of Jayamarthanda Gate of Mysore Palace, we were denied entry by Policemen stating that they have instructions from authorities to do so. In spite of having valid tickets, we were denied entry and had to return home without watching the grand event.
Hope the DC will pursue this and ensure refund of money for valid ticket-holders who were denied entry to witness the procession. It is sad that the authorities just collected money without ensuring that all valid ticket-holders are given a chance to witness the event.
Next, two of my family members went to see the Torchlight Parade with valid tickets and drinking water bottles and eatables. They were told that food and water were not allowed inside. They had to leave food and water inside their car to gain entry. Shockingly, there was no arrangement to buy drinking water and eatables inside.
However, as the Parade progressed, our relatives saw many people holding water bottles and food packets. This could be seen in live TV telecast in all channels. How such persons were allowed inside is anybody’s guess. That means, only the influential could take water and food inside while the same courtesy was not extended to common man.
I request our DC and his team to seriously view these lapses.
– N. Bhaskar, Brindavan Extension, 10.10.2019
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