I strongly support the concern raised by Naga Srinivas regarding nuisance caused by ready concrete mixer unit and the heavy vehicles which are plying on the busy KRS Road and other parts of the city (Star of Mysore dated Jan.24). These heavy vehicles are spilling the residuals on the very recently renovated KRS road and creating heaps of concrete which is causing serious traffic problems to the commuters of this stretch particularly two-wheeler riders. Anyone can witness the road condition at the junction of GTTC and KRS Road (near Police check-post after JK Tyre).
Another serious concern is heavy trucks coming to factories to transport raw materials are dumping waste items like huge plastic covers, waste thermocol and cartons on the footpaths. This is causing serious environmental issues to the public and the residents of the nearby area. Why not the officials of the Pollution Control Board (which is located very closeby) issue notices to these industries and take necessary action ?
Further I request the Police to instruct the truck drivers to park the vehicles in a proper manner.
– G.S. Kumar, Hosa Anandur, KRS Road, 28.1.2020
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I dont think this is the case only on KRS roads. It is everywhere.
If the heavy vehicles drive on the left side, lot of slow downs/traffic can be averted.
But unfortunately they dont do so and there is no way we can make them do so