Mysuru: GSSS Bantwal Madhava Shenoy High School, Siddarthanagar, Mysuru, had organised an Inter-School Social Science Quiz competition on Dec. 31 to aid for the Grade 10 students in view of their exams.
Students from various schools participated in the contest. First place was bagged by Sadvidya High School, N.S. Road; Second place by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (BVB) School, Vijayanagar and Third place by Government Adarsha Vidyalaya, Mysuru. The winners were awarded with gift voucher, mementos and consolation prizes.
Anupama B. Pandit, Secretary, GSSS, honoured the Quiz Master K.N. Krishna Prasad and the jury members.
B.K. Nataraj, Management Committee Member, Shahida Banu, Principal of the College and S.R. Hemalatha, Principal of the School, were present.
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