Nagamangala: In a bizarre incident, a 21-year-old youth allegedly committed suicide by exploding a gelatin stick, typically used for blasting stones, in front of his girlfriend’s house in Kalenahalli, in the wee hours this morning. The deceased is Ramachandru (21), a resident of Basaveshwaranagar in Nagamangala, Mandya.
According to the Police, Ramachandru arrived at his girlfriend’s house at about 3 am today and exploded the gelatin stick using a detonator resulting in his death on the spot. His body was severely mutilated as a result of the blast. Following this, the villagers informed the Police, who rushed to the spot and conducted the mahazar.
According to the Police, Ramachandru was in a relationship with the minor girl and had eloped with her last year.
Following this, a case was registered under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. He had also severed a six-month jail term before being released on bail recently.
They added that Ramachandru, dejected for being rejected by the girl’s family, had taken the extreme step.
Sources also added that the girl’s family was also in marriage talks with other family and the marriage was supposed to be celebrated once the girl reached the legal age. However, there is no confirmation regarding this.
Meanwhile, speaking to Star of Mysore, Nagamangala Dy.SP B. Cheluvaraju said, they are investigating Ramachandru getting access to gelatin stick. A case has been registered at Nagamangala Rural Police Station.
The Police shifted Ramachandru’s body to Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences for post-mortem. Mandya SP Mallikarjun Baladandi, Additional SP C.E. Thimmaiah, Nagamangala Circle Inspector K.S. Niranjana, Nagamangala Rural PSI J. Rajendra and staff, District Forensic Team visited the spot.
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