This has reference to the letter by Sundara Murthy (SOM dated Apr. 27) regarding the novel idea of WhatsApp group created by Dr. Roopa, Corporator, pertaining to Ward No. 53, to get in direct contact with residents. This is really appreciable.
However, this is to inform SOM readers that Geethashree Yoganand, Corporator of Ward No. 65 (Srirampura) had created WhatsApp group exclusively for her Ward covering more than 300 residents way back in Nov. 2018 (MCC election was held in Sept. 2018).
Eversince, Geethashree has been attending every complaints, issues very promptly received in the group. Anyhow, this is a good idea of using social media to address public grievances and one of the most effective tool in reaching their voters. Kudos to all the people’s representatives who are using this novel idea.
– C. Hara Kumar, Srirampura 3rd Stage, 29.4.2021
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