Mysuru: A team of students of Demonstration Multipurpose School (DMS), a constituent unit of Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Mysuru, led by RIE Professor Dr. Shashikumar and Department of Dance and Drama Professor Vidushi Harinakshi, has left for Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh to participate at the National Drama and Folk Dance Competitions to be held at Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education Institute campus in Gwalior from Jan. 5 to 8.
More than 400 students from more than 100 schools, who are studying the Central syllabus, will be participating in this National Competitions. They will be performing dance forms of their respective States and regions.
DMS students Moulya, Trisha, Parinita,Janhavi, Upasana, Nikita, Gandharva, Lalitya, Vishrutha, Sushanth and Tanmay will participate in the competitions and showcase their talent in dance and drama.
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