The Sayyaji Rao Road cross in front of Raghulal Medicals is stinking as the road has been turned into a place to attend nature’s call causing a lot of inconvenience to all. This apart, the street-lights have become defunct and a lot of illegal activities are taking place on the road after dark. Authorities concerned are urged to take steps to get the place cleaned and initiate action on those answering nature’s call in public places.

When we have lost the sanctity of Governance and planning to the hands of those who are presently voted to power what difference it make whether one go for natures call in front of a Medical shop or inside a operation theater? One could see that very soon with excitement as to how far stupidity can take us beyond. Good that the original owner of Rahgulal is not there to see his vision stripped. Mohan Bandar, Rahgulal Medicals and Chamundeshwari Talkies were iconic places for an evening walk to pass by in 1960’s.Should we now define them as “S” Places?