Ganabharathi had recently organised two Bharatanatyam recitals which showcased two young, dedicated artistes. Dance is the means of expression to both of them. It is a part of physical, mental and spiritual journey. Both are accomplished performers, choreographers and committed teachers. Surabhi Bharadhwaj, who is settled in California, is an all-rounder. She has been honed…
An amalgamation of melody and maturity
June 25, 2024Ganabharathi of Mysuru had arranged an exquisite flute recital by Vid. Mysore A. Chandan Kumar on June 7. Accompanied by Vidu. Sindhu Suchetan on violin, Vid. A. Radhesh on mridanga and Vid. Sharath Kaushik on ghata, Chandan gave a memorable concert for the pleasure of rasikas. Chandan is a familiar face in music field, known…
Concert at GTN Award Ceremony
June 11, 2024Bhramara Trust is one of the rare institutions known for its altruistic concern for human welfare and manifests by many gestures. Apart from recognising innovative scientists, supporting deserving schools and colleges, it also recognises young talents in music and honours them with prestigious awards like M.S. Subbalakshmi Award and G.T. Narayana Rao (GTN) Award. On…
Vinay Sharva presents Moonlight Music at Suttur Mutt
May 27, 2024Vid. Vinay Sharva is an young artiste who has carved a niche for himself. He has developed a good style of singing. Perfect alliance with shruthi and laya, the deep gamakas and an emotive rendering creates an impact on the listeners. The vast manodharma acquired by rigorous practice plays a crucial role in shaping him…
Heritage Ramanavami Music Fest: A befitting finale
April 29, 2024The grand finale of the 108th Heritage Sri Ramanavami Music Festival at Sri Bidaram Krishnappa’s Sri Prasanna Seetharama Mandira marked a packed audience for the sheer musical experience. It was indeed a befitting celebratory concert. Indeed a wonderful musical experience by none other than Vidushis Ranjani and Gayathri. The top ranking performers of Karnatak classical…
A classical treat…
April 27, 2024Sri Bidaram Krishnappa’s Sri Prasanna Seetharama Mandira witnessed a sumptuous classical treat on Apr. 25. The internationally acclaimed Chitraveena Maestro Vidu. N. Ravikiran enthralled the audience with his chitraveena recital. A child prodigy, a prolific composer, an author, a performer of vocal and chitraveena, a Guru and an activist, Ravikiran has too many achievements for…
Captivating Veena Concert
April 25, 2024She is a disciple of Vid. M.J. Sreenivasa Iyengar and also trained under Vid. T.N. Seshagopalan and Vid. T.V. Gopalakrishnan. Sahana is emerging as a good veena player. Thanks to her hard work and dedication. Her playing has a good sahitya bhava as she is also an excellent vocalist. Good control on the laya and…
Cool breeze of real music…
April 24, 2024Arrival of Sri Ramanavami brings you a cascade of music, classical really. The gift is to the rasikas of Mysuru, who will be anticipating a bonanza. There are many blessed Mandiras and Sabhas which will host a variety of rich music with all its splendour. One such revered place is Sri Bidaram Krishnappa’s Sri Prasanna…
Vibrant ‘Veena Utsava’ held in memory of Veene Seshanna & Vidu. Chokkamma
January 8, 2024Ganabharathi had arranged a grand Veena Utsava in memory of Vainika Shikhamani Veene Seshanna and Veena Vidushi Chokkamma on the 17th of December, 2023 at Veene Seshanna Bhavana in Kuvempunagar, Mysuru. The festival exclusively highlighted the legacy of Mysuru Vainikas, who were also very good composers. The one-day programme included three lecture-demonstrations along with veena…
Veene Seshanna Bhavana Day
November 6, 2023By Dr. Rama V. Bennur To commemorate the inauguration of Veene Seshanna Bhavana that was constructed 33 years ago, Ganabharathi of Mysuru had arranged a fine veena recital on Oct. 26. Vidu. Bhagyalakshmi Chandrashekhar, who presented the recital, is a rare veena player, who believes in preserving the purity and divinity of this ancient instrument….
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