Mysuru: The officials of the Karnataka Lokayukta have begun receiving complaints from the public between 11 am and 1 pm at various taluk centres from today. Complaints pertaining to delay in work at Government offices, demand of bribe and other problems caused by the government officials can be given at the places mentioned below: On…
Lokayukta to receive complaints from Apr.20
April 18, 2018Mysuru: Karnataka Lokayukta officials will receive complaints and memoranda from public from Apr.20 to 28 between 11 am and 1 pm daily at the respective taluk centres, according to Lokayukta SP J.K. Rashmi. The line up is: Apr.20: Taluk office, Nanjangud, Apr.21: PWD Guest House, K.R. Nagar, Apr.23: Taluk office, T. Narasipur, Apr.24: PWD Guest…
Man who stabbed Lokayukta sent to 5-day Police custody
March 8, 2018Bengaluru: Tejraj Sharma, who stabbed Karnataka Lokayukta Justice P. Vishwanath Shetty at the Lokayukta office in Bengaluru yesterday, has been remanded to Police custody for five days. The accused was produced before a Magistrate at 3 am today and he was sent to Police custody. Karnataka’s most senior anti-corruption officer, its Lokayukta, was hospitalised yesterday…
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