Mysuru: In separate incidents, a 21-year-old girl and an 85-year-old man has been reported missing from Mandi and Nazarbad. A 21-year-old girl, who left her house saying that she was going to the college has gone missing and a complaint has been lodged at Mandi Police Station. She has been identified as B.R. Amruta, who…
Man missing
July 18, 2017Mysuru: A 68-year-old man from Chikkahalli village in Varuna hobli, has been reported missing from July 15. The missing man has been identified as Mallesh. He left his house in the morning saying that he was going to a hotel and has since gone missing. A complaint in this regard has been lodged at Alanahalli…
Mother, daughter go missing from city
June 30, 2017Mysuru: A mother and her daughter has been reported missing from June 19 from city. The mother identified as 33-year-old Deviramma is 5 ft. tall, oily red complexioned, has a mole below the left ear, speaks Kannada and was wearing a red coloured saree. The daughter identified as five-year-old Lakshmi is 3 ft. tall, oily…
Housewife goes missing from city
June 6, 2017Mysuru: According to a missing complaint lodged by one Siddegowda at Saraswathipuram Police Station, his niece Vishalakshi (in pic.), 23, wife of Devaraju and a resident of Bogadi, has gone missing since Jan. 14. According to Siddegowda, Vishalakshi was married 5 years ago and has a three-and-a-half year old son. As she was not keeping…
Girl missing
April 1, 2017Adding to the growing list of people going missing in and around city, an 18-year-old girl has been reported missing from Mar. 23 from Vijayanagar Police limits in city. The missing girl, identified as H.N. Usha, daughter of Nagendra and a resident of Hinkal here, is 5ft. tall, oval faced, fair complexioned, normal built, speaks…
Mother along with daughters go missing from city
March 26, 2017Mother, along with her two daughters have been reported missing from Vijayanagar Police Station limits in city. The missing mother and daughters have been identified as 36-year-old Prathima, three-and-a-half-year-old Manyatha and two-year-old Manvitha. According to a press release, Prathima had quarrelled with her husband R. Surendrakumar over the issue of going to a temple on…
Doctor goes missing
March 5, 2017A 35-year-old city doctor has gone missing since Mar.2. Dr. C.M. Vinod, son of C.K. Muddamaiah, a resident of third phase, fourth stage, Vijayanagar, who left the house on his Honda Activa scooter (KA-09 EY-4349) on the afternoon of Mar. 2, has not returned since then, according to a complaint lodged by his wife with…
Woman goes missing
February 23, 2017Adding to the list of people going missing in and around Mysuru, a woman has been reported missing from Varuna Police limits in the taluk. The missing woman has been identified as Roopa, wife of Mahendra and a resident of Devalapura village in the taluk. Roopa, who left the house on Feb. 19 after her…
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