It was this day, nay this very evening, 47 years ago that STAR OF MYSORE was born in this city as an Evening English Newspaper. Happily it continues to be your favourite eveninger.
From this evening, we will be entering 48th year of publication. And as we do so, we gratefully remember all those who made it possible to reach this milestone and salute them with gratitude and humility.
Bringing out a special issue on our anniversary has been a tradition with us ever since the beginning of this newspaper. We are specially beholden to our readers and advertisers for their unstinting support in making this possible.
We have been following all along an independent editorial policy without aligning ourselves with any political party, community, group, ideology or vested interest and this policy will continue. Our first editorial titled “A Star Is Born” which is printed alongside, declares this policy more eloquently.
As a newspaper, we strongly believe our survival depends solely on our usefulness to the society and on the service we render to our readers and advertisers. Which is why we take up just causes and important issues in a crusading spirit to protect readers’ interest while widening our readership base. And advertisers get VALUE for their money. After all, it is the credibility of STAR OF MYSORE as a brand and its pulling-power that should matter to our advertisers rather than the cost of advertising.
On this occasion, we also remember the truth that change is a constant in any organisation that wishes to grow — not just survive. And we are bracing ourselves for an array of changes from content to pre-press to printing technology. All this to ensure your addiction to STAR OF MYSORE — for all the news of Namma Cheluva Mysuru and more. We have specialist contributors who provide expert views on current issues and interest.
Welcome. Sit back, relax, make yourself a nice cuppa and experience your reading pleasure every evening.
And finally a big “Thank You” — to our subscribers, advertisers, contributors, our staff, our agents and paper delivery boys who together have teamed up to make STAR OF MYSORE a success story among evening newspapers in India. A very good evening to You.
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