Mysuru: Theatre and music have an indivisible relationship since the time of B.V. Karanth, said acclaimed theatre personality and Rajyotsava awardee Rameshwari Verma. She was speaking after inaugurating the musical concert of Ustad Faiyaz Khan organised as a part of ongoing Niranthara Ranga Utsava at Kiru Rangamandira in Kalamandira premises here yesterday.
Praising Niranthara Foundation for its contribution to theatre, Rameshwari Verma said that the Foundation’s programme was always organised with social relevance with youths joining hands in large number.
Later, the audience was enthralled with Hindustani Musical Concert by Ustad Faiyaz Khan. He was accompanied by Pt. Veerabhadraiah Hiremath on harmonium, Pt. Ramesh Dhannur on tabla.
Prof. Kalegowda Nagawara, Prof. Kalachannegowda, Devanur Basavaraj, Suguna and Srinivasu of Niranthara were present on the occasion.
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