Hanagod: A wild tusker, which had climbed over a rail barricade and entered human habitat in search of food and water, crossed over the same barricade and returned to the forest after villagers created ruckus. The incident took place at Veeranahosahalli Forest Range of Nagarahole Reserve Forest on Tuesday and the video of the elephant crossing over the rail barricade has gone viral on social media.

This wild tusker has been creating havoc in Veeranahosahalli, Tibetan camp, Bharatawadi and surroundings and was also destroying crops. The villagers, in a bid to prevent the tusker from entering human habitat were keeping vigil near the rail barricade. Unaware that villagers were keeping a watch, the wild tusker climbed over the rail barricade from the forest side and entered the human habitat waiting to raid the crops. But a group of youths, who were keeping a watch near the rail barricade, began shouting and created ruckus. Stunned by the sudden sound made by the youths, the shocked elephant somehow managed to cross over the rail barricade again and fled into the forest.
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