State BJP President and former Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa (BSY) blessed actor-turned-politician Jaggesh and his wife Parimala on the occasion of the couple’s 33rd wedding anniversary today. The couple met BSY at Windflower Resorts and Spa in city this morning. Later both BSY and Jaggesh hit the campaign trail for the by-polls. Former Minister S.A….
Mahajana students interact with pupils of Pennsylvania Varsity
March 22, 2017A group of students from the School of Social Work, University of Pennsylvania, USA, led by Prof. Femida Handy, were at Mahajana College as part of Student Exchange Prog. recently. A cultural prog. was organised to showcase the Indian culture and in the honour of the visiting group during which classical songs and dance were…
Kolkata Classic Golf 2017: Chikka, Chiragh call the shots in round one
March 22, 2017Former PGTI Order of Merit champions Chikkarangappa and Chiragh Kumar called the shots in round one of the Kolkata Classic 2017 with matching scores of four-under-68 at the Royal Calcutta Golf Club (RCGC) on yesterday. Mysuru’s golfer K. Harish returned with a card of two-under 70 in the round one and finished tenth in the…
Alamengada Cup Cricket Tournament from Apr. 24
March 22, 2017The 25-day-long Alamengada Cup Cricket Tournament will be held from Apr. 24 at the Vijayalakshmi Junior College Grounds at Balale. Speaking to mediapersons, Tournament Committee President Alamengada Bose Mandanna said that the tournament is being organised for the Kodava families to participate and display their cricketing skills. We have already witnessed Ballimada, Kandera, Addengada and…
VTU Inter-collegiate Volleyball Tournament from Mar. 25
March 22, 2017The National Institute of Engineering (NIE) will be organising Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Inter-collegiate, Mysuru Zone Volleyball Tournament for Men on Mar.24 & 25 at the NIE Golden Jubilee Sports Complex on Manandavadi Road. Teams from various engineering colleges in Mysuru, Kodagu, Chamarajanagar, Mandya and Ramanagar will take part. The tournament will be inaugurated by…
Plug this broken water pipe on Veene Seshanna Road
March 22, 2017Water is flowing from a broken pipeline on 4th Cross – Veene Seshanna Road in K.R. Mohalla since many days with some persons putting a stone slab in the pit from where the water is flowing which is posing danger to motorists. Authorities concerned are urged to fix the broken pipeline and remove the stone…
Intl. Symposium on Advanced Materials for Engg. Applications
March 22, 2017The National Institute of Engineering (NIE), Mysuru, has organis-ed 1st ‘International Sympo-sium on Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications (ISAMEA)-2017’ at its Adminis-trative Block on Manandavadi Road in city Mar. 24 and 25. The Symposium, which will be inaugurated at 10 am on Friday (Mar. 24), will cover topics relevant to the pursuit of Composite Materials…
State Women’s Hockey team selection in Mysuru
March 22, 2017The Hockey Karnataka will conduct selection trials for senior and junior women (A Division), to pick the State team for the upcoming 7th Hockey India National Championships to be held in April. The trials will be held at the Chamundi Vihar Stadium on Mar. 26 from 9 am. For details, contact Ganapathy on Mob: 8884556326.
Inter-collegiate Football Tourney
March 22, 2017City’s Athletes Football Club will be conducting an inter-collegiate (for under graduate & post-graduate colleges) football tournament ‘AFC Cup 2017’ at the University Football Grounds from Apr. 6-8. For further details and registration contact: 9880260510 or 9845436112 before Mar.27.
Winners of written quiz and poster presentation contests
March 22, 2017Under the aegis of Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL), a poster and quiz competition were held recently at St. Joseph’s First Grade College. Principal Prof C.M. Mani presided. D.K. Dinesh Kumar, Project Engineer, KREDL, spoke about the role of renewable energy and energy conservation in the present scenario. He stressed on the use of…
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