Mysuru: Expressing his anger over the non-completion of Ambedkar Bhavan on Dewan’s Road in city, the District President of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) L. Rangaiah has demanded that the Government must complete the construction of the Ambedkar Bhavan at the earliest. Else, the people will collect donations from the public and complete the building, he stated in a press release.
“Non-completion of the building even after so many years is an insult to the great man. Leaders eulogise Dr. Ambedkar in their speeches but are insulting him by showing no commitment to complete the building being built in his name. Chief Minister Siddaramaiah claims he is a leader of backward classes and the District Minister Dr. H.C. Mahadevappa propagate the ideologies of Dr. Ambedkar. But both of them are showing little interest,” he complained the AAP District President.
Continuing, he said that another Rs. 20-Rs. 25 crore is needed to complete the remaining works of Ambedkar Bhavan. “If the Government has no funds to complete the pending works of the Bhavan let the leaders say so. People will collect donations from the public and complete the works. The surroundings at the Bhavan looks awful and the Government should wake up at least now and complete the pending works,” states the press release issued by the District AAP.
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