Mysuru: The city’s Jai Bhima – Koregaon Vijayotsava Samiti will celebrate the anniversary of Bhima – Koregaon battle victory near Jayanagar Railway Gate in city tomorrow (Jan.2) at 6 pm.
Announcing this at a press meet here yesterday, Samiti President P. Jayaraj Hegde said that writer Rahamat Tarikere will inaugurate the event in the presence of Bantheji.
Former Mayor Purushotham will preside. SP N. Vishnuvardhana, CESC Director G. Sheela, Mysuru District Journalists Association (MDJA) President K. Deepak, former Rangayana Director H. Janardhan (Janni), senior Advocate S. Umesh and Activist Shivasundar will be the chief guests.
Stating that the 1818 battle of Bhima – Koregaon is of importance for Dalits, Hegde said it was on Jan.1,1818 that 800 troops of the East India Company’s Bombay Presidency Army, with 500 of them from Mahar community, defeated the numerically superior force of Maratha ruler Peshwa Baji Rao-II, the anniversary of which is celebrated every year.
Samiti office-bearers Dr. Raju, Pradeep Kumar, Shankar and Ravikumar were present.
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